Google recent algorithm update – fighting web spam.


On April 25th at around 4am our software reported unusual ranking fluctuations that typically occur as a result of an update in a search engine’s algorithm. As we suspected, Google released their most recent algorithm update that should detect and fight web spam altogether.

During the process Google will remove websites with unusual activity and reward websites with relevant, quality content. This last update negatively impacted 3.1% of all websites on the web, which totals over 11 million web properties affected.

It all started two month ago when Google’s head of the anti spam department, Matt Cuts, announced that they would release an update that would fight “Black-hat SEO.” He explained that in order to serve as a better search engine, it is necessary for Google to take some extreme actions that will affect a fairly large amount of websites. About a month ago, Google sent a manual message (yes, manual) through Web Master Tools to particular website owners who were believed to have been participating in link a building scheme.

Finally, Google released the update yesterday which re-shuffled their index. As a result, websites with real quality content were favored, and other websites were dropped. The websites that experienced a drop are believed to be fake or irrelevant.

Engaging in business with a web marketing firm that believes only in “white-hat SEO” finally pays off. We have a strict methodology of quality content marketing. All of our clients stayed stable with their positioning, and some even went up as a result of their competing websites moving down in the search results. We strongly believe that online marketing shouldn’t be very different from off-line marketing. Creativity and great content should be the forefront of every true marketer. Websites that previously ranked higher on search engine results by means of dishonest and spamy methods will now be pushed down to make room for relevant, quality websites.

At this point the details of the update are not entirely clear; we will have to observe how the recent update affects the World Wide Web. Meanwhile, we are making additional changes to our client’s accounts adding more creative methods to deliver their messages while providing relevant, useful information to their potential prospects.