Google Play Possible Strong Competitor for iTunes


Just recently, Google announced its latest revision of services by introducing Google Play. Google Play is a cloud-based service which lets you save all your books, movies, music and apps online. This can provide hassle-free entertainment to its many users by eliminating the processes involved in moving files across all your gadgets and devices.

Jamie Rosenberg, director of digital content for Google stated in the company’s Official Blog that Google Music, Google eBookstore and Android Market will now be part of Google Play Store. She added that updates from Android Market to Google Play Store will take place in the coming days while books, videos and music apps will now be rebranded as Google Play Book, Google Play Movies and Google Play Music.

There are several things you will surely like about Google Play. For one, it can let you download over 450,000 Android Apps and games. You can also use it to store as much as 20,000 songs for free and millions of paid tracks. And with this, you can browse the largest selection of eBooks. With all its great features, Google Play could definitely become one of the strongest competitors for Apple iTunes.

The login procedure for Google Play is the same with how you log in to access your Google Music or Google Movies.
Google is making an intense effort in consolidating and revising its services. Starting this March, they have combined 60 out of its 70 existing privacy policies into one blanket policy. And Google users cannot opt out. Users who will sign into their account in Gmail, You Tube, Google+ and some of their branded services will be treated as the same entity across all those services. This means that individual data can be theoretically swapped among them.

With Google Play, the company will now be able to compete with Apple’s iTunes service which also provides a combination of different apps and multimedia.

Apart from all these latest developments in Google services, its users can expect more to come in the future.